Local Parent Resources

Parent Resources

This page is a list of resources compiled by local parents to highlight a family-friendly resources in the area. We encourage you to visit the company’s website before stopping by. MOPS International and this local group chapter are not affiliated with any of the groups or businesses below. Please use your independent judgement when choosing goods or services.

Please click here to quickly jump to emergency resources and support groups.

Outside Fun


Eben G. Fine Park
Scott Carpenter Park
Valmont Bike Park
Arapahoe Ridge Park

Waneka Lake
Indian Peaks Park
Whitetail Park

Denver Zoo

Memory Square - lots of shade
Annette Brand -- not by streets so kids can run
Pirate’s Park - by LMS
Park at Louisville Rec Center -- fenced in
Cowboy Park in Steel Ranch
Cottonwood Park -- shade

Community Park
Wildflower Park by Eldorado K-8
Founders Park

EB Raines Park
Carpenter Park

Firefighter Park
Sensory Park


Water Parks

The Bay ($)

Peter Pan Park - aka Westminster Center Park

Inside Fun

Kid Friendly Restaurants

Finkel and Garf Brewery
Cantina Laredo
Mod Market -- kids eat free Sunday and Monday with adult
Under the Sun
Lark Burger (kids eat free on Monday)
Sherpas (patio)
Centro --kids eat free on Sunday and Wednesday
Sanitas Brewery
Wahoo’s -- kids eat free on Wednesdays
Tridents Bookstore

Red Robin
Tokyo Joe’s
Wonderland Brewery

Woody’s Pizza

The Post
Reel Fish
Martino’s -- kids eat free on Monday
Mooyah Burger -- kids eat free on Wednesday

Casa Alegre
Moxie Bread
Lucky Pie
Sweet Cow
MOD Pizza
Santa Fe Mexican Grill
Murphy’s Tap House

IHOP - kids eat free at dinner

White Fence Farm

Heather's Freezer Meal Service - to help plan for those times when leaving the house is just not an option - perfect for busy parents and new baby schedules.


Museums and Play-spaces

Emergency resources and support:

Crisis & Immediate Concerns

National Suicide Prevention Line – 1-800-273-TALK (8255) (United States)

Postpartum Support International (for pregnant and postpartum women experiencing mood disorders such as anxiety, depression, and PTSD symptoms) – 1-800-944-4773

National Domestic Violence Hotline -- (800) 799-SAFE (7233) If you are in a crisis or need immediate help, dial 911 or call the National Domestic Violence Hotline: (800) 799-SAFE (7233) or TTY (800) 787−3224

Infant loss, Miscarriage, Child loss 

Many Locations through Colorado
Share - Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support -- There are currently over 75 Share Chapters throughout the United States and Canada. If you plan to attend a support group meeting, please contact the coordinator in advance to verify the meeting time and location. Although we make every effort to keep this information current, there is a possibility that changes have been made without our knowledge.
PALS (Pregnancy After Loss Support) -- Many resources (both online, in-person groups, and phone numbers) are listed here. 
Rowan Tree Foundation -- TONS of resources listed here including some for dad and siblings.  Multiple groups, grief services and professional grief counselors listed.

Angel Eyes -- Angel Eyes provides bereavement support to families whose lives have been impacted by the sudden, unexpected death of an infant or toddler, including SIDS, SUID, SUDC, miscarriage and stillbirth loss. We offer free professional bereavement counseling, a support group, peer connections, and community referrals to those who are grieving.

Colorado Pregnancy and Newborn Loss Services --Professional facilitators trained in group process and grief counseling, and pregnancy education guide support group members
A New Beginnings Support Group -- This group is designed for parents who have previously experienced a loss and are in need of some extra support. A free five-week support group provides a safe environment to share thoughts and feelings.

Healing Hearts Group -- a group for mom's suffering through miscarriage and child loss.  We are not associated with any hospital or association.  We are a nurse and group of moms grieving and healing together.
Shelly King, MA, LPC -- Click the link for an article listing multiple pregnancy loss resources in Colorado including online sites, books, and in-person meetings.  Shelly King is a psychotherapist located in Louisville, CO.


Birth Injury Center - Resources on stillbirths and brain injuries due to birth

Support, Teen Mom Help, Drug Abuse, Domestic Violence, Emergency Housing

Hope House -- Hope House is metro-Denver's only resource providing free self-sufficiency programs to parenting teen moms, including Residential, GED, and College & Career Support programs. Additional supportive services include parenting and life skills classes, healthy relationship classes, and certified counseling, all designed to prepare them for long-term independence.

Hope House Resource List -- Click here for a HUGE list of resources for all family members covering things from housing and food needs to help with drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence, shelters, crisis line numbers, parent support, breastfeeding, medical, school/work resources, and even more.

Colorado Coalition Against Domestic Violence -- click for a link of domestic violence specific resources including: a caring listening ear, advocacy services, emergency shelters, longer term housing assistance, emergency financial support, support groups, and legal advocacy.

Family Motel, Volunteers of America -- housing individuals and families in emergency situations